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Our product line is sourced from tens of thousands of retailers dispersed around the country. The delivery time for an item depends on some factors, including the kind of goods, the area where the item is sourced, and the availability of a logistics network in your region. Hence, shipping dates may differ from one item to the next.
The product must be returned in its original packing and the same condition as when you received it. Please verify that all tags, peripherals, warranty/guarantee cards, freebies, and accessories are intact, including keys, straps, and locks.
Refunds will not be issued for any reason other than damaged/dead-on-arrival items, manufacturing defects, expired products, or items shipped in the wrong location.
Stylemarts does not collect or retain your credit card or bank account information. Your transaction is authorised at many places, first by the payment gateway and then by Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Banks, without going via us.
Hit the "Login" link in the upper-right corner of the page. This will open a new window containing a "Forgot Password?" link. We will give you instructions for a new password if you provide your registered email address.
Click the "Register" link in the upper right corner of every page Stylemarts. This will open a box where you must: provide your basic information, select a password for your account, and then click the "Sign Up" button to finish your registration!
Yes, registration is required before ordering on Stylemarts. You may establish an account by entering and verifying your email address and phone number on Stylemarts. You may place an order with your Facebook or Google account in Stylemarts Please register with us to receive timely offers and to manage your Wishlist, account, and shipping information.
Every attempt is made to keep all goods in stock. There may be occasions, though, when unforeseen demand exceeds our supply. We will contact you if the selected item is not in stock when we check out. In the unlikely event that your purchase has been accepted but we cannot send it due to unforeseen circumstances, we will tell you within 24 hours.
After receiving the order, we will dispatch the product within 24 hours. You will receive an SMS on this matter. We will also send you an email with the name of the courier provider and the tracking number for your shipment. You may view the same information on the "My Account" page, where the Track Shipment option provides the current shipping status of your item.

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Your wardrobe needs to be filled with your favorite outfits.